Akaroa Resource Collective Trust

About ARCT

The Akaroa Resource Collective Trust (ARCT) provides, promotes and supports charitable services that benefit the Akaroa community and surrounding areas. The Trust was established in 1992, becoming a registered Charitable Trust in 1998. ARCT has been running for over 30 years, and is a unique grassroots, local organisation. Governance is by a Trust Board elected annually at an AGM; services are delivered by an employed Manager and additional personal as required.

Your Journey

Along your journey there is a path to walk, a waka to paddle, a mountain to climb, a river to cross. There are times we are faced with challenges. Some we create and some we don’t, and we face the difficulties and challenges of working through these times as we reconnect. There are times when we are supportive to others and times we need support ourselves.

Our Journey Together

We will work with you to support and create resilience to empower you on your journey as you walk your path to reach your full potential of Mauri Ora (Health and well-being). This can be difficult but not impossible. This can take time and effort to achieve, and the outcome can result in some significant, positive changes for you and your whanau. We at ARCT are here to support this.

Throughout Our Journey

We endeavour to honour the principles of  Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Partnership – Work with you to identify your needs and identify any wrap around services needed as you work towards your needs being met. – Mauri ora. 

Protection – We value the safety, dignity, identity, and individuality of all who walk through our doors by providing a safe confidential space. – Manaakitanga.
Participation – All we need from you is a willingness to participate.

Your Journey

Along your journey there is a path to walk, a waka to paddle, a mountain to climb, a river to cross. There are times we are faced with challenges. Some we create and some we don’t, and we face the difficulties and challenges of working through these times as we reconnect. There are times when we are supportive to others and times we need support ourselves.

Our Journey Together

We will work with you to support and create resilience to empower you on your journey as you walk your path to reach your full potential of Mauri Ora (Health and well-being). This can be difficult but not impossible. This can take time and effort to achieve, and the outcome can result in some significant, positive changes for you and your whanau. We at ARCT are here to support this.

Throughout Our Journey

We endeavour to honour the principles of  Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Partnership – Work with you to identify your needs and identify any wrap around services needed as you work towards your needs being met. – Mauri ora.
Protection – We value the safety, dignity, identity, and individuality of all who walk through our doors by providing a safe confidential space. – Manaakitanga.
Participation – All we need from you is a willingness to participate.

Alternative/out of hours services

If you would like to talk to a counsellor, phone or text “Need to Talk” 1737

Lifeline 0800 LIFELINE 

0800 543 354

Suicide Crisis Helpline 

0508 828 865


0800 611 116

‍If this is an emergency please call 111 and ask for police, or contact Emergency Mental Health Services 0800 112 334

Social work support, advocacy & counselling services

Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua

Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead

Are you concerned for your safety or the safety of others such as a family member, neighbour or friend? Contact 24/7 web and phone help for people experiencing family violence. These digital tools include:

Click on any link below & you will be directed to the website

Connection is why we're here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives